When you need to sell your house in a hurry, you may be considering a cash sale. You may have heard that selling to a cash buyer is quick, but you might be a bit skeptical about how quick. From start to finish, it’s possible to get cash for your house within just a few days.
The Process
The speed of a cash sale begins when you decide to sell your house. Rather than meeting with someone, waiting for a market analysis, and cleaning up your house for showings, all you have to do is contact the cash buyer.
There’s also no paperwork involved at this stage. Just tell the cash buyer basic information about the property, and a representative will visit to confirm, often the same day. There’s no need to clean up for the visit.
The Offer
The cash buyer takes the next step. Using the information you’ve provided, the cash buyer will evaluate the property based on location, other recently sold homes in your area, and what kinds of repairs might be needed.
Within 24 hours, the buying company will contact you with a cash offer. It’s a no-obligation offer, meaning you are free to accept or reject it. The offer is in writing, so you’ll be able to take your time examining it, or you can say yes immediately if you wish.
The Closing
After you’ve accepted the offer, the closing can happen immediately. Just tell the cash buyer when you would like to close, and they will arrange everything for you. Since there are no property assessments or home inspections involved, the only thing you wait for is the closing documents to be prepared.
In almost all cases, you can walk away with cash for your home within 7 days. Cash buying companies are self-funded so they don’t have to secure financing. If a week is too fast for you, choose your own closing date.
If you’re curious about a cash sale, you can contact a cash buyer for an offer without worrying about making a commitment. Selling your home for cash may be the fastest way to get rid of an unwanted property or get on with the next chapter of your life.
Have a home in the Hilton Head or Savannah area? Find out how fast you can sell it by clicking this link.